The human body needs a variety of elements to run properly. Some of these elements are needed in optimum quantities while others are needed in just small quantities. There are still some that are needed only in trace quantities. You need proteins for growth and carbohydrates for energy. You need these two elements in optimum quantities. But you also need vitamins, and there are a variety of them. There is a whole range of vitamins that you need for maintaining various functions of the body. You need vitamin C, D, E, B complex, K and more. However, you need them in just small quantities. You also need minerals since these are essential in carrying out different functions of the body. However, you need them in very small amounts. There are still some minerals like selenium which you need only in trace amounts.

So, are you getting all these nutritional elements through your diet! If you think you are then you need not get into it any further. But, most probably you are not getting wholesome nutrition that your body needs. Cooking, peeling, cutting, washing et al leech the fruits and vegetables of nutrition. The result is nutritionally deficient food products. So even if you think that you are getting enough proteins, vitamins and minerals, you are not getting them. Hopefully, Dr. Bob Marshall can help you out in such a situation.
Welcome To Dr. Bob Marshall Healthline
Dr. Bob Marshall is a certified Clinical Nutritionist of international repute and has a PhD in Biochemistry. He had been the President of International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists. He is also a member of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. True to his credentials in the field of clinical nutrition, he is a master in this subject. Nevertheless, he is known more as the host of Healthline than anything else. Dr. Bob Marshal Healthline is a radio talk show hosted by Mr. Marshall, and he has been hosting this show for nearly 35 years. If you have any query regarding your health, you can call him during the show and get answers for your queries. He is a dynamic host with a compassionate heart. Through the show, he shares the insights about nutrition that he has gained over the years.
The Background
Dr.Bob Marshal has experienced near death situation himself. He had suffered from an apparently incurable disease. The doctors had announced that he only had 2 years to live. But, he had a steely resolve not to bow down to the unknown and the incurable. He began to research on the subject and slowly realized that the main cause for many such apparently incurable diseases is lack of nutrition. The realization dawned on him that only genuinely super quality nutrition can alleviate the problem. He slowly regained his health as he took to new super quality foods that supply all the necessary nutritional elements to the body. As he recovered from the illness, he vowed to help others with the insight he gained during his intensive research. This led to the foundation of Quantum Nutrition Labs. Through this company he launched a range of super foods and concentrates that help deliver the right quality and quantity of nutrition to millions of people.

The Uniqueness Of His Products
The argument often put forward by Dr. Bob Marshall is that the binders or fillers used in medicines and off-the-shelf nutritional supplements are mostly toxic for the body. They can give rise to various problems if used for a long time. These he call as excipients. Therefore, what is needed is products that are free from these toxic excipients. In Dr. Bob Marshall Healthline he often stresses on this point. He calls for having nutritional supplements and food concentrates without any added ingredient. In other words, the ideal nutritional supplement needs to be a pure source of nutrition, and nothing else.
Personalized Nutrition Program
It is not difficult to think that nutritional needs for different people are different. It depends on a lot of factors such as body weight, functions, food intake, unique necessities etc. If you are not sure about the food supplements you need to take and the quantity of these supplements, then you can tune in to Dr Bob Marshall Healthline. You can also get personalized nutrition program for yourself and your family.
It is not difficult to think that nutritional needs for different people are different. It depends on a lot of factors such as body weight, functions, food intake, unique necessities etc. If you are not sure about the food supplements you need to take and the quantity of these supplements, then you can tune in to Dr Bob Marshall Healthline. You can also get personalized nutrition program for yourself and your family.