Thursday, 23 November 2017

Benefits of Magnesium Oil for your Mental and Physical Health

We do feel itchy and tired sometimes, and the general thinking it is all because of a hectic day, but what actually if you find out you are suffering from magnesium deficiency?

Magnesium is an abundant element found in the planet. Virtually it is found in every organ of the human body. For our health, magnesium is an important mineral, but sadly the human body does not get a fair share of it. No wonders magnesium deficiency is widespread. As per the reports of WHO, the intake of magnesium in people tends to be varied. But hold on! There is a way to supplement our body with magnesium and this is in the form of magnesium oil.

The striking aspect is that magnesium oil is not oil at all. The name originates when magnesium flakes (chloride) are combined with water. You can opt for purchase of magnesium oil online that are embedded with varied doses and minerals. Time permitting you can prepare it in your home as well.

Benefits of magnesium oil

Workout recovery with better sports performance

Athletes need to supplement their magnesium levels to give their best shot. Magnesium studies point that exercise is known to redistribute magnesium in our body and paves way for negative physical performance. Sportsmen like weight lifters are worst affected as they rely on weight control mechanisms.

Individuals who are magnesium deficient can derive maximum benefits when magnesium supplements are introduced along with a regular exercise regime.
Strengthens your bone and teeth

For calcium absorption, magnesium is a key ingredient. It pretty much sums up the fact that when levels of magnesium are low it hinders calcium absorption. You would need to supplement your magnesium on a regular basis, to ensure a set of strong teeth along with bones.

Removes stress

All of us are victims of stress, and experts believe it could be due to lack of magnesium. It works its magic as an anxiety (anti) agent as it cools down the vibrancy of the nerves. This is not only in our heart and muscles but the brain as well.

Skin problems can be treated

With magnesium oil you can treat a host of skin problems including acne and oily skin. Magnesium can break down oils or fats helping to treat acne and removing oiliness associated with the skin. Magnesium oil can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis.

As an deodorant

By now you might be aware of the harmful effects of aluminium in a deodorant. Magnesium works as a viable alternative for aluminium in a deodorant. In studies it reveals that odour from excessive perspiration is removed with the use of magnesium oil. Adding a tinge of lavender oil is going to make you smell all the more better.

Reduces hypertension

Heart problems along with hypertension evolve because of magnesium deficiency. This is due to the fact that potassium along with magnesium are important for regulation of the heart. 

Improvement in dental health

You might find it hard to believe that magnesium oil improves your dental health. It is an integral part of your oral regime and paves way for healthy gums and reduces build-up of plaques. On consumption of magnesium oil orally split it out as it lead to intestinal discomfort.

Reduce pain

One of the major functions of magnesium oil is to reduce pain. This is pertaining to nerve or muscle pain as it is an excellent muscle relaxant. The oil when applied in a tropical manner provides relief from back pain. You can also use magnesium oil on your leg for all forms of discomfort.

How to use magnesium oil?

Till now the potential benefits of magnesium oil have been harped upon, now how do you use it? First and foremost you need to choose a spot to apply it. The moment you use magnesium oil you are going to feel a burning sensation. This is going to dissipate the longer you are going to use the product.

Magnesium oil is incorporated in spray bottles and it is easy to apply them as well. You would let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing or wiping it away. For better results keep on using it on a daily basis.

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